30 member ensemble of NorESM1-ME with CMIP5 historical forcing and RCP8.5 beyond 2005

30 member ensemble generated by spinning up an ensemble of states (sampled from a long preindustrial forcing run) with CMIP5 historical forcing and RCP8.5 beyond 2005. For full parameter list see https://doi.org/10.11582/2019.00035

Citation: Bethke, I., Counillon, F., Wang, Y., Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Uni Research Climate, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (2019).30 member ensemble of NorESM1-ME with CMIP5 historical forcing and RCP8.5 beyond 2005 [Data set]. Norstore. https://doi.org/10.11582/2019.00035

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Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://doi.org/10.11582/2019.00035
Principal Investigator Ingo Bethke
Data Curator Ingo Bethke
Last Updated August 27, 2021, 16:25 (UTC)
Created August 27, 2021, 12:57 (UTC)
Parameter name(s) pressure, co2 volume mixing ratio, ch4 volume mixing ratio, n2o volume mixing ratio, f11 volume mixing ratio, f12 volume mixing ratio, total solar irradiance, vertically integrated total cloud water, downwelling longwave flux, downwelling solar flux, net longwave flux, upwelling longwave flux, net solar flux, latent heat flux, total precipitation rate, humidity, snow depth, temperature, zonal wind, meridional wind, Ice concentration, mixed layer depth, mixed layer density, potential density, salinity, ocean surface temperature, soil water, CO flux, radiation, snow depth, mean ice thickness, mean snow thickness, mean snow fraction, ice velocity, ice mass transport
Project/Program name(s) ARCPATH (project number 76654), EPOCASA (project number 229774/E1), PREFACE (Grant Agreement No. 603521)
Observing system name NorESM