NorCPM sea ice reanalysis using weakly-coupled anomaly assimilation of SST and T-S profiles and strongly-coupled anomaly assimilation of SIC

Reanalysis is performed with monthly weakly-coupled anomaly assimilation of SST and T-S profiles and anomaly assimilation of SIC strongly coupled with the ocean, using 30 ensemble members throughout 1980-2010.

Citation: Kimmritz, M., Counillon, F., Wang, Y., Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (2019).NorCPM sea ice reanalysis using weakly-coupled anomaly assimilation of SST and T-S profiles and strongly-coupled anomaly assimilation of SIC [Data set]. Norstore.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Principal Investigator Madlen Kimmritz
Last Updated August 28, 2021, 11:35 (UTC)
Created August 28, 2021, 11:32 (UTC)
Parameter name(s) sea surface temperature, ocean temperature, salinity, ice concentration
Project/Program name(s) ARCPATH (project number 76654), EPOCASA (project number 229774/E1), PREFACE (Grant Agreement No. 603521)
Observing system name NorCPM